Thursday, November 30, 2006

We are not the Enemy, Our interests are Aligned Auctions CEO Dr. Patrick Byrnes (Forum ID Hannibal) continues to reply after posting a scathing letter to sellers.

Patrick's latest response includes the following statement.
Please do not ever think of us as the enemy you are trying to beat: we are trying so hard to figure out a way to make this environment blossom for you (our interests are perfectly aligned there).

This is an interesting statement from the CEO considering that many small sellers believe their interests have not been protected in the past.

For the venue to recover it will take the hard work and dedication of not only the Auctions staff but the CEO and Merchants as well. Will Overstock continue to work with independent merchants and groups like TOASA?

Either way Auctions has a long road ahead just to regain the user loyalty lost over the past 18 months.

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